The group has two laboratories equipped with state of the art scientific equipment.
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1. femtosecond lab
Rated as a clean room for low airborne particle counts. This enables us to work with a very high-power (>GWatt) ultra-short pulse (<50fs) laser systems, while being able to detect single photons – for high-sensitivity ultrafast and quantum experiments at a wide range of temperatures.

View some of the femtosecond lab facilities in depth:
Montana S50 Cryostation with Magneto-Optic Module:
Andor Shamrock 303i spectrograph (and attached cameras):
Streak camera and spectrometer:
2. picosecond lab
The picosecond lab is equipped with optical and electronic instruments for studies of picosecond timescale quantum effects and devices.
View some of the picosecond lab facilities in depth:
Montana cryostation Fusion F2: