
Refereed Journal Publications


      Shlomi Bouscher, Dmitry Panna, Ronen Jacovi, Fauzia Jabeen, Christian Schneider, Sven Höfling & Alex Hayat
Nature; Light: Science & Applications, 13, Article number: 135 (2024) .


      Shlomi Bouscher and Alex Hayat
Phys. Rev. B 107, 144516 (2023).


      A. Kumar, D. Panna, S. Bouscher, A. Koriat, Y. Nitzav, R. Jacovi, A. Kanigel, A. Hayat
App. Phys. Lett., 122, 192604 (2023).


      N. Landau, D. Panna, S. Brodbeck, C. Schneider, S. Höfling, and A. Hayat
Optica ,Vol. 9, Issue 12, pp. 1347-1352 (2022).
* Optica magazine Top Downloads, December 2022 


      S. Bouscher, D. Panna, K. Balasubramanian, S. Cohen, D. Ritter, and A. Hayat
Phys. Rev. Lett. ,128, 127701 – Published 24 March 2022 (2020).
* PRL Editors’ suggestion, March 24, 2022 


      S. Bouscher, Z. Kang, K. Balasubramanian, D. Panna, P. Yu, X. Chen and A. Hayat
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 32, 475502 (2020).


      X. Xing, K. Balasubramanian, S. Bouscher, O. Zohar, Y. Nitzav, A. Kanigel and A. Hayat
App. Phys. Letts., 117, 032602 (2020).


      K. Balasubramanian , J. Wright, O. Zohar, B. Taitler, S. Boucher, X. G. Xing, D. Jena, A. Hayat
Opt. Mat. Express.,  10, 1724 (2020).


      N. Strugo, K. Balasubramanian, D. Panna, and A. Hayat
Optics Letters,  7, 2062-2065 (2020).


      D. Panna, N. Landau, L. Gantz, L. Rybak, S. Tsesses, G. Adler, S. Brodbeck, C. Schneider, S. Höfling and A. Hayat
ACS Photonics,  6, 3076 (2019)


      D. Panna, K. Balasubramanian, J. Khatei, L. Rybak, Y. Slobodkin, H. Steinberg and A. Hayat
Opt. Express, 27, 33427 (2019).


      K. Balasubramanian, X. Xing, N. Strugo, A. Hayat
Adv. Funct. Mater.  1807379 (2019).


      D. Panna, S. Bouscher, K. Balasubramanian, V. Perepelook, S. Cohen, D. Ritter, and A. Hayat
Nano Letters 18, 6764 (2018).


      D. Panna, K. Balasubramanian, S. Bouscher, Y. Wang, P. Yu, X. Chen and A. Hayat
Nature Sci. Rep. 8, 5597 (2018).


      S. Bouscher, R. Winik, and A. Hayat
Phys. Rev. B 97, 054512 (2018).


      C. Lange, E. Cancellieri, D. Panna, D. M. Whittaker, M. Steger, D. W. Snoke, L. N. Pfeiffer, K. W. West and A. Hayat
New J. Phys. 20, 013032 (2018).


      S. Bouscher, D. Panna and A. Hayat
 J. of Optics, 19, 103003 (2017)invited paper


      D. Panna, R. Marjieh, E Sabag, L. Rybak, A. Ribak, A. Kanigel and A. Hayat
Appl. Phys. Lett., 110, 212103 (2017).  (PDF)


      P. Zareapour, A. Hayat, S. Yang F. Zhao, M. Kreshchuk, Z. Xu, T. S. Liu, G.D. Gu, S. Jia, R. J. Cava, H.-Y. Yang, Y. Ran, and K. S. Burch
New J. Phys. 19, 043026 (2017).


      E. Sabag, S. Bouscher, R. Marjieh, and A. Hayat
Phys. Rev. B 95, 094503(2017).


     E. Sabag, R. Marjieh,  and A. Hayat
EPL  115, 57006 (2016)  (PDF)


     G. Dmochowski, A. Feizpour, M. Hallaji, C. Zhuang, A. Hayat, A. M. Steinberg
Phys. Rev. Lett.116, 173002 (2016).


     R. Marjieh, E. Sabag and A. Hayat
    New J. Phys. 18, 023019 (2016)
     Highlighted in Nature Photonics


     G. Spektor, A. David, G. Bartal, M. Orenstein and A. Hayat
    Opt. Express, 23, 32759 (2015).


     L. A. Rozema, C. Wang, D. H. Mahler, A. Hayat, A. M. Steinberg, J. E. Sipe, and M. Liscidini
    Optica 2, 430 (2015).


     L. A. Rozema, D. H. Mahler, A. Hayat, A. M. Steinberg

Quantum Stud.: Math. Found.  2, 14 (2015).


      A. Hayat, C. Lange, L. A. Rozema, R. Chang, S. Potnis, H. M. van Driel, A. M. Steinberg, M. Steger, D. W. Snoke, L. N. Pfeiffer and K. W. West
Opt. Express, 22, 30559 (2014). 


 P. Zareapour, A. Hayat, S. Yang F. Zhao, M. Kreshchuk, Y. K. Lee, A. A. Reijnders, A. Jain, Z. Xu, T. S. Liu, G. D. Gu, S. Jia, R. J. Cava, and K. S. Burch.
 Phys. Rev. B 90, 241106(R) (2014). (PDF)
      * Rapid Communications


      X. Xing, A. Hayat, A. Feizpour, and A. M. Steinberg.
Opt. Express, 22, 25128 (2014). 


      L. A. Rozema, D.H. Mahler, A. Hayat, P. S. Turner and A. M. Steinberg
Phys. Rev. Lett.113, 160504(2014).
* PRL Editor’s suggestion. Featured in Physics* Highlighted in Nature , Physics World 
* Selected among top-10 breakthroughs byPhysics World


      R. Chang, S. Potnis , R. Ramos , C. Zhuang , M. Hallaji , A. Hayat , F. Duque-Gomez , J. E. Sipe , A. M. Steinberg
Phys. Rev. Lett.112, 170404 (2014).  
    *Highlighted in


     L. A. Rozema, J. Bateman , D. Mahler , R. Okamoto , A. Feizpour , A. Hayat , A. M. Steinberg
Phys. Rev. Lett.112223602(2014).
     * PRL Editor’s suggestion. Featured in Physics


     E. Cancellieri, A. Hayat, A. M. Steinberg, E. Giacobino, A. Bramati
Phys. Rev. Lett.112, 053601 (2014).


     A. Hayat, H-Y. Kee, K. S. Burch, A. M. Steinberg
      Phys. Rev. B, 89, 094508 (2014).


     A. Hayat, A. Feizpour, A. M. Steinberg
      Phys. Rev. A  88, 062301 (2013).


     R. Chang, S. Potnis, C. Ellenor, M. Siercke, A. Hayat and A. M. Steinberg
      Phys. Rev. A88, 053634 (2013). 


A. Hayat, P. Zareapour, S.Y.F. Zhao, A.Jain, I.G. Savelyev, M. Blumin, Z. Xu, A.Yang, G. D. Gu, H. E. Ruda, S. Jia, R. J. Cava, A. M. Steinberg, and K. S. Burch
Phys. Rev. X2, 041019 (2012).
  * Highlighted in Superconductor Week


A. Hayat*, X. Xing*, A. Feizpour, and A. M. Steinberg.
Opt. Express, 20, 29174 (2012). (*equal contribution) 


P. Zareapour*, A. Hayat*, S.Y.F. Zhao, M. Kreshchuk,  A. Jain,  D. C. Kwok, N. Lee, S.-W. Cheong, Z. Xu, A. Yang, G. D. Gu, R. J. Cava, K.S. Burch  (*equal contribution)
Nature Commun. 3, 1056 (2012).
* Reported on the NBC Newsand the Metro News

* Highlighted in , Wired and in Science Daily


L. A. Rozema, A. Darabi, D. H. Mahler, A. Hayat, Y. Soudagar, A. M. Steinberg
Phys. Rev. Lett.109100404 (2012). 
    * PRL Editor’s suggestion. Featured in Physics
    * Reported on the BBC News,NBC News and CBS News
    * Highlighted in Nature,,OPN, Popular Mechanics , Scientific Americanand inScience News


A. Hayat, C. Lange, L. A. Rozema, A. Darabi, H. M. van Driel, A. M. Steinberg, B. Nelsen, D. W. Snoke, L. N. Pfeiffer, K.W. West, 
Phys. Rev. Lett.109, 033605 (2012). 


A. Nevet, A. Hayat, P. Ginzburg, M. Orenstein,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 253601 (2011).



A. Nevet, A. Hayat, M. Orenstein,
 Opt. Lett., 36, 725. (2011).
*Selected for Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science, 10, issue 5 (2010)


A. Hayat, A. Nevet, P. Ginzburg, M. Orenstein, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 26, 083001  (2011). invited paper


P. Ginzburg, M. Shalyt, A. Hayat, M. Orenstein,
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 43, 105502 (2010).


P. Ginzburg, A. Hayat, N. Berkovitch, M. Orenstein.
Opt. Lett. 35, 1551 (2010). 
*Selected for Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science, 9, issue 11 (2010)


A. Hayat, Amir Nevet, Meir Orenstein.
Opt. Lett., 35, 793. (2010).
*Selected for Virtual Journal of Quantum Information, 9, issue 4 (2010)
*Selected for Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science, 10, issue 4 (2010)


A. Nevet, A. Hayat, M. Orenstein.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 207404 (2010)
*Selected for Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science, 9, issue 6 (2010)


S. Rosenblum, A. Hayat, P. Ginzburg, D. Neiman, M. Orenstein.
Phys. Rev. A, 81, 053848 (2010). 


A. Nevet, N. Berkovitch, A. Hayat, P. Ginzburg, S. Ginzach, O. Sorias, M. Orenstein.
Nano Letters, 10, 1848. (2010). 


A. Nevet, A. Hayat, M. Orenstein.
Opt. Lett., 35, 3877 (2010).
*Selected for Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science, 10, issue 1 (2010).2009


P. Ginzburg, A. Hayat , V. Vishnyakov, M. Orenstein.
Opt. Express, 17, 4251 (2009). 


A. Hayat, A. Nevet, M. Orenstein
Phys. Rev. Lett., 102, 183002  (2009).
*Selected for Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science, 8, issue 6 (2009)


A. Hayat , P. Ginzburg and M. Orenstein.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 103, 023601 (2009).
*Selected for Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science, 8, issue 8 (2009)


A. Hayat, P. Ginzburg and M. Orenstein.
Opt. Express, 17, 21280 . (2009).
*Selected for Virtual Journal of Quantum Information, 10, issue 8 (2009)


N. Kaminski, A. Hayat, P. Ginzburg and M. Orenstein.
IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., 21, 173 (2009). 


A. Hayat , N. Berkovitch and M. Orenstein
Appl. Phys. Lett., 94, 063103 (2009).
*Selected for Virtual Journal of Nan. Sci. & Tech. , 19, issue 8 (2009)


A. Hayat, P. Ginzburg, M. Orenstein.
Nature Photon. 2, 238 . (2008).
*Highlighted in Nature Photon. News&Views and an Interview

    *Reported in Physics World


A. Hayat, P. Ginzburg, D. Neiman, S. Rosenblum, M. Orenstein.
Opt. Lett. 33, 1168 (2008).
*Selected for Virtual Journal of Quantum Information, 8, issue 8 (2008)  

    *Selected for Virtual Journal of Nan. Sci. & Tech. , 18, issue 4 (2008)


A. Hayat, P. Ginzburg, M. Orenstein.
Phys. Rev. B 77, 125219 (2008). 


A. Hayat, E. Small, Y. Elor M. Orenstein.
Appl. Phys. Lett., 92, 181110 (2008). 


A. Hayat and M. Orenstein.
Phys. Rev. A, 77, 013830 (2008).
*Selected for Virtual Journal of Quantum Information, 8, issue 2 (2008)


P. Ginzburg, A. Hayat and M. Orenstein.
J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 9, S350 (2007). 


A. Hayat, P. Ginzburg, M. Orenstein.
Phys. Rev. B, 76, 035339  (2007).
*Selected for Virtual Journal of Quantum Information, 7, issue 8 (2008)  

     *Selected for Virtual Journal of Nan. Sci. & Tech. , 16, issue 7 (2008)


A. Hayat and M. Orenstein.
Opt. Lett. 32, 2864  (2007). 


A. Hayat and M. Orenstein.
Appl. Phys. Lett., 89, 171108 (2006). 


E. Shumakher, A. Hayat, A. Freimain, M. Nazarathy and G. Eisenstein .
IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., 16, 2353 . (2004). 

Popular Science Publications:

1.In praise of weakness 
A. Steinberg, A. Feizpour, L. Rozema, D. Mahler and A. Hayat
Physics World,35-40., (March 2013). (PDF)

2. Enhancing metrology sensitivity by weak measurements 
A. Hayat, A. Feizpour and A. Steinberg
SPIE Newsroom, (14 Dec 2011). (PDF)

3. Semiconductor quantum photonics 
A. Hayat
Optics & Photonics Focus, 14, 2 (2011). (PDF)

4. Semiconductor two-photon emission sources 
A. Hayat, P. Ginzburg, M. Orenstein
Optics and Photonics News, 18, 23 (2007). (PDF)


Conference Publications

Invited Talks

1.  High-Tc Superconductor-Semiconductor Devices
D. Panna, S. Bouscher, K. Balasubramanian and A. Hayat
     International symposium: Perspectives on high-temperature superconductivity, Moscow, Russia (2017).
2.  Quantum optoelectronics with collective states of matter
D. Panna, S. Bouscher, N. Landau and A. Hayat
     QSQE, Würzburg, Germany (2017).
3.  Semiconductor-Superconductor Optoelectronic Devices
D. Panna, S. Bouscher, S. Cohen, L. Rybak, D. Ritter and A. Hayat
     CLEO PR, Singapore (2017).
4.  Semiconductor-Superconductor Optoelectronic Devices
D. Panna, S. Bouscher, L. Rybak and A. Hayat
     NANOP Paris, France (2016).
5.  Quantum devices with novel states of matter
     V. Perepelook, D. Panna, S. Bouscher, L. Rybak and A. Hayat
     30th Umbrella Symposium – From Quantum Matter to New Materials, Juelich, Germany (2016).
6.Semiconductor-Superconductor Hybrid Devices
E. Sabag, R. Marjieh, R. Winik, S. Bouscher, N. Ginzberg, V. Perepelook, L. Rybak and A. Hayat
     Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science, San Jose, CA, USA (2015).
7.Quantum devices with novel states of matter
     Alex Hayat
     IEEE INEC conference, Hokkaido, Japan (2014).
8.  Quantum information processing with novel states of matter
     Alex Hayat
     CIFAR Global Academy Meeting, Banff, AB, Canada (2014).
9.  High-temperature superconductivity in topological insulators
     Alex Hayat
APS March Meeting, Baltimore, MD, USA (2013).
10.Proximity-induced high-temperature superconductivity in topological insulators
     Alex Hayat
CAP conference, Montreal, Canada (2013).

11.Experimental demonstration of quantum data compression
     L. A. Rozema, D. Mahler, A. Hayat, P. Turner, A. M. Steinberg
PQE, Snowbird, Utah, USA (2013).
12.Applications of quantum photonics for communications and metrology
     A. Hayat, A. Darabi, L. A. Rozema, D. Mahler, Y. Soudagar, X. Xing, A. Feizpour and A. M. Steinberg
Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, USA (2012).
13.Experimental tradeoffs in quantum measurement: uncertainty relations, weak measurement and quantum metrology
A. Steinberg, D. Mahler, L. Rozema, A. Darabi, A. Feizpour, X. Xing, Y. Soudagar, A. Hayat
QIM, Berlin, Germany (2012).
14.Two photon emission, entanglement and gain from semiconductors at room temperature 
     M. Orenstein, A. Hayat, P. Ginzburg, A. Nevet, S. Rosenblum
     QELS, San Jose, CA, USA (2010).
15.Two-photon devices for quantum communication
     Alex Hayat
     OASIS conference, Tel-Aviv, Israel (2009).
16.Nano-plasmonic devices: From nano-confinement to stopped light
     P.Ginzburg, A. Hayat, N. Berkovitch, G. Rosenblatt, M. Orenstein.
     PIERS 2009 , Moscow, Russia. (2009).
17.Electrically induced two-photon transparency in semiconductors
     Alex Hayat, Amir Nevet, Meir Orenstein
     CLEO/Europe-EQEC, Munich, Germany, (2009).
Issued patents
       A. Nevet, A. Hayat, M. Orenstein,  US 8669512 (2014).
       A. Hayat, A. Lahav, M. Orenstein, US 8557707 (2013).
        A. Hayat, P. Ginzburg, M. Orenstein,  US 8921826 (2014).
Filed patents
1. Semiconductor two-photon device
        A. Hayat, A. Nevet, M. Orenstein,  US20120223354.

Contributed papers

1.   D. Castiel,  A  De-la-Zerda, A. Hayat, M. Katz, T. Mor, M. Orenstein, G. Ratzabi, N. Yoran, “Two-   Color Parametric  Down Conversion ”,  Proc. SPIE  5815,  pp. 40-45 (2005).

2.   A. Hayat, M. Orenstein, “Two-Photon Based Semiconductor Entanglement-Sources and Detectors for Quantum Communications”, paper MM3, LEOS, Montreal, Que., Canada (2006).

3.   A. Hayat,   M. Orenstein, “On-Demand Photon-Number State Generation via Cavity Parametric Down Conversion”, LEOS, Canada (paper ThK2) (2006).

4.   A. Hayat, P. Ginzburg, M. Orenstein, “IR Single-Photon Detection for Quantum Communications by Two-Photon Absorption in Si Detector”, paper P2-34, QCMC, Tsukuba, Japan (2006).

5.   A. Hayat, P. Ginzburg,  M. Orenstein, “High-Efficiency Entangled Photon Source via Microcavity-  Controlled Two-Photon Spontaneous Emission”, paper P3-27, QCMC, Tsukuba, Japan  (2006)

6.   Pavel Ginzburg, Alex Hayat, Meir Orenstein, “ Meta-Material for Nonlinear Optics with Self Phase-Matching ”, Nanometa, Austria  (2007).

7.   Alex Hayat, Meir Orenstein, “Interband Second-Order Susceptibility Enhancement in Strained GaInP/AlGaInP Quantum Wells” paper CThV7, CLEO, Baltimore, MD, USA (2007).

8.   A. Hayat, A. Lahav, M. Orenstein “Enhanced Aspect Ratio of Focused Ion Beam Nanopatterning Technique in Semiconductors”, paper CThW2, CLEO, Baltimore, MD, USA (2007).

9.   Alex Hayat , Meir Orenstein, “Experimental Observation of Spontaneous Two-Photon Emission from Semiconductors”, paper QMK3, QELS, Baltimore, MD, USA (2007).

10. Alex Hayat , Meir Orenstein, “Photon Emission by Photon Model for Spontaneous Frequency Conversion in Dispersive Dielectric Microcavities”, paper JWA55, QELS, Baltimore, MD, USA (2007).

11. Alex Hayat ,Pavel Ginzburg, Meir Orenstein, “Two-Photon Based Semiconductor Entanglement-Source for Quantum Communications “, paper JTuA25, QELS, Baltimore, MD, USA (2007).

12.  P. Ginzburg, A. Hayat, and M. Orenstein, “Nonlinearity and Extraordinary Self Focusing of Surface Plasmon Polariton by Ponderomotive Forces”, paper 67, NANO, Hangzhou, China, (2007).

13.  Alex Hayat ,Pavel Ginzburg, Meir Orenstein, ” Widely Tunable Low-Threshold Semiconductor Two-Photon Laser”, paper CMI52, CQO9, Rochester, NY, USA (2007).

14.  Alex Hayat , Meir Orenstein, “Experimental Observation of Spontaneous Two-Photon Emission from Semiconductors “, paper CSuA33, CQO9, Rochester, NY, USA (2007).

15.  Alex Hayat, Meir Orenstein, “Self-Phasematched Nonlinear Optics in Integrated Semiconductor Microcavities “, paper JWC6, CQO9, Rochester, NY, USA (2007).

16.  Alex Hayat , Meir Orenstein, ” Quantum-Field Model for Dispersive-Microcavity Spontaneous
Photon Conversion”, paper JWC4, CQO9, Rochester, NY, USA (2007).

17.  Alex Hayat ,Pavel Ginzburg, Meir Orenstein, “Entangled Photon Spectroscopy and Communications Based on       Semiconductor Two-Photon Process “, paper JWC63, ICQI, Rochester, NY, USA (2007).

18.  Alex Hayat,  Meir Orenstein, “Two-Photon Emission from Semiconductor Device”, paper MC7, NLO, Hawaii, USA (2007).

19.  Alex Hayat , Meir Orenstein, “SHG with Self-Phasematching in a Semiconductor Microcavity “, paper MD2, NLO, Hawaii, USA (2007).

20.  Alex Hayat , Eran Small, Yotam Elor, Meir Orenstein, “Nonlinear Optics in Quantum Structures with Long-Period Linear Grating Phasematching”, paper WE6, NLO, Hawaii, USA (2007).

21.  Pavel Ginzburg, Alex Hayat , Meir Orenstein, “Nonlinear Optics in QWs with Tunable Local Phasematching”, paper WE9, NLO, Hawaii, USA (2007).

22.  P. Ginzburg, A. Hayat, E. Feigenbaum, N. Berkovitch, M. Orenstein, “Self Focusing of Surface Plasmon Polariton and Nonlinear Response of Plasmonic Waveguiding by Ponderomotive Forces”, paper WB6, NLO, Hawaii, USA (2007).

23. Alex Hayat ,Pavel Ginzburg, Noam Kaminski, Meir Orenstein,” Semiconductor Devices Based on Two-Photon Emission” proc. page 378,  LEOS, Lake Buena Vista, FL, USA (2007).

24. Noam Kaminski, Alex Hayat ,Pavel Ginzburg,  Meir Orenstein, “Nonlinear Compression toward Few-Cycle Pulses in Two-Photon Semiconductor Amplifiers “, paper CWI6, CLEO, San Jose, CA, USA (2008).

25.  Noam Kaminski, Alex Hayat ,Pavel Ginzburg,  Meir Orenstein, “Semiconductor Two-Photon Laser: Ultra-Short Pulses and Wide Tuneability”, paper IMA3, INPRA, Boston, MA, USA (2008).

26.  Victoria Vishnyakov, Pavel Ginzburg, Alex Hayat ,  Meir Orenstein, “Non-Hermitian Quantum Mechanics for Linear Photonic Logic”, paper IWG2, INPRA, Boston, MA, USA (2008).

27.  A. Hayat, P. Ginzburg, D. Neiman, S. Rosenblum, M. Orenstein, “Toward Hyperentanglement via Semiconductor Two-Photon Emission “, paper QMC7, ICQI, Boston, MA, USA (2008).

28.  Alex Hayat ,Pavel Ginzburg, Meir Orenstein, “Photon Energy Entanglement Characterization by Electronic Transition Interference”, paper JMB60, ICQI, Boston, MA, USA (2008).

29.  A. Hayat, P. Ginzburg, D. Neiman, S. Rosenblum, M. Orenstein “Photon-Hole Nondemolition Measurement by Quantum Interference” paper QWB6, ICQI, Boston, MA, USA (2008).

30.  Alex Hayat ,Pavel Ginzburg, Meir Orenstein, “Semiconductor two-photon emission”, paper Mo-A4d-3, ICPS, Brazil (2008).

31.  N. Kaminski, A. Hayat, P. Ginzburg, M. Orenstein, “Semiconductor two-photon laser: wide tenability and ultrashort pulses”, paper Fr-M1a-3, ICPS, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2008).

32.  Alex Hayat ,Pavel Ginzburg, Meir Orenstein, “Divergence-free quantum theory of nondegenerate two-photon processes in semiconductors”, paper Tu-PC3-147, ICPS, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2008).

33.  A. Hayat, P. Ginzburg, D. Neiman, S. Rosenblum,  M. Orenstein, “Nondemolition Photon-Hole Measurement by Quantum Interference” ,  QCMC, Canada (2008).

34.  A. Hayat, P. Ginzburg, P. Gurevich, D. Neiman, S. Rosenblum,  M. Orenstein, “Quantum-optical sources via semiconductor two-photon emission”,  QCMC, Canada (2008).

35.  P. Ginzburg, A. Hayat, and M. Orenstein, “Breakdown of Surface Plasmon Enhancement due to Ponderomotive Forces”, Plasmonics and Metamaterials (META), Rochester, NY, USA, paper MThC8, October (2008).

36.  P. Ginzburg, A. Hayat, N. Berkovitch, and M. Orenstein, “Nonlinear Propagation and Slow Light of Surface Plasmon Polaritons due to Ponderomotive Forces”,  Plasmonics and   Metamaterials (META), Rochester, NY, USA, paper JWD25, October (2008).

37.  A. Hayat, P. Ginzburg, D. Neiman, S. Rosenblum, and M. Orenstein, “Photon-Hole Quantum Nondemolition Measurement”, Frontiers in Optics (FiO)/Laser Science XXIV (LS) Conference, Rochester, New York, USA, paper FTuQ3 October, (2008).

38.  A. Hayat, P. Ginzburg, P. Gurevich, D. Neiman, S. Rosenblum, and M. Orenstein, “Towards Hyperentanglement via Semiconductor Two-Photon Emission”, Frontiers in Optics Conference, Rochester, New York, USA, paper FMH2 October, (2008).

39.  P. Ginzburg, A. Hayat, N. Berkovitch, and M. Orenstein, ” Ponderomotive Nonlinearities in Plasmonics: Saturation of Field Enhancement, Solitons and Nonlinear Slow Light “, WED4f.13 Nanometa, Austria  (2009).

40.  P. Ginzburg, A. Hayat, M. Orenstein, “Metamaterial of Emitters – Artificial Semiconductor Based Superradiance”, paper TUE4f.43, Nanometa, Austria (2009).

41. Alex Hayat ,Pavel Ginzburg, Meir Orenstein, “Antibunched statistics of heralded photon states”, paper JSII2.5, CLEO/Europe-EQEC, Munich, Germany, (2009).

42.  P. Ginzburg, A. Hayat, M. Orenstein, ” Ponderomotive force:  the fundamental nonlinearity in plasmonics”, paper EI.P.1, CLEO/Europe-EQEC, Munich, Germany, (2009).

43.  A. Nevet, A. Hayat, P. Ginzburg, N. Berkovitch, M. Orenstein, “Two-Surface Plasmon Emission from Semiconductor by Coupling to Nanoantennas” paper FMH3, FIO, San Jose, CA, USA (2009).

44.  A. Nevet, A. Hayat, M. Orenstein, “Two-Photon Transparency by Current Injection in Semiconductor Quantum Wells”, paper FMG6, FIO, San Jose, CA, USA (2009).

45.  Amir Nevet, Alex Hayat ,Pavel Ginzburg, Meir Orenstein, “Semiconductor two-photon gain for squeezed light sources.” paper 7W-69, ISPQT, Tokyo, Japan (2010).

46.  Alex Hayat ,Pavel Ginzburg, Amir Nevet, Meir Orenstein, “Energy qubit quantum information processing by semiconductor two-photon processes.” paper 8TH-49, ISPQT, Tokyo, Japan (2010).

47.  Alex Hayat , Amir Nevet, Meir Orenstein, “Femtosecond g(4) measurement by HBT interferometery of upconverted autocorrelation.” paper 8TH-50, ISPQT, Tokyo, Japan (2010).

48.  A. Nevet, N. Berkovitch, A. Hayat, P. Ginzburg, S. Ginzach, O. Sorias, M. Orenstein, “Broadband enhancement of two-photon emission from semiconductors by plasmonic nano-antennas”, P2-115, ICPS, Seoul, Korea (2010).

49.  Amir Nevet, Alex Hayat , Meir Orenstein, “Direct observation of semiconductor two-photon gain”, TuA1-3, ICPS, Seoul, Korea (2010).

50.  A. Hayat, A Nevet, M. Orenstein, “Semiconductor-based femtosecond g(4) measurement by HBT interferometery of upconverted autocorrelation”, P2-116, ICPS, Seoul, Korea (2010).

51.  A Nevet, A. Hayat, M. Orenstein, “Measurement of Two-Photon Gain In Electrically Pumped
AlGaAs”, paper FThO3, FiO, Rochester, USA (2010).

52.  Alex Hayat ,Pavel Ginzburg, Amir Nevet, Meir Orenstein, “Semiconductor two-photon transitions for processing of quantum information based on energy qubits”,P1-397, ICPS, Seoul, Korea (2010).

53.  A Nevet, N. Berkovitch, A. Hayat, P. Ginzburg, S. Ginzach, O. Sorias, M. Orenstein, “Broadband enhancement of two-photon emission from semiconductors by plasmonic nano-antennas”, paper OPQ-O-34, FiO, Rochester, USA (2010).

54.  Alex Hayat ,Pavel Ginzburg, Amir Nevet, Meir Orenstein, “Energy qubit quantum information processing by semiconductor two-photon processes”, paper Fr-12, ISNTT, Kanagawa, Japan (2011).

55.  Alex Hayat , Amir Nevet, Meir Orenstein, “Ultrafast semiconductor g(4) measurement by HBT interferometry of quantum-well based upconversion”, paper PTu-32, ISNTT, Kanagawa, Japan (2011).

56.  Alex Hayat ,Pavel Ginzburg, Amir Nevet, Meir Orenstein, “Energy qubit quantum information processing by semiconductor two-photon processes”, FNST, Tokyo, Japan (2011).

57.  Alex Hayat , Amir Nevet, Meir Orenstein, “Ultrafast semiconductor g(4) measurement by HBT interferometry of quantum-well based upconversion”, FNST, Tokyo, Japan (2011).

58.  A Nevet, A. Hayat, M. Orenstein, “Three-photon counting in a photomultiplier tube for ultrafast source characterization”, paper JThB100, CLEO, Baltimore, MD, USA (2011).

59.  A Nevet, A. Hayat, M. Orenstein, “Ultrafast pulse compression by two-photon gain in a semiconductor waveguide”, paper QMI7, CLEO, Baltimore, MD, USA (2011).

60.  A Nevet, A. Hayat, M. Orenstein, “Femtosecond-scale pulse compression by the intrinsic nonlinearity of a semiconductor two-photon amplifier”, paper NMD3, NLO, Kauai, Hawaii, USA (2011).

61.  A Nevet, A. Hayat, M. Orenstein, “Femtosecond scale photon-triplet counting and third order autocorrelations in a photomultiplier tube”, paper NWE6, NLO, Kauai, Hawaii, USA (2011).

62.  Alex Hayat , Amir Nevet, Meir Orenstein,, “ Femtosecond Three-Photon Counting in a Photomultiplier Tube”, paper NWE6, IPR, Toronto, Canada. (2011).

63.  Alex Hayat, Amir Nevet, Meir Orenstein, “Ultrafast Pulse Compression in Integrated Two-Photon Amplifiers”, paper NWE6, IPR, Toronto, Canada. (2011).

64.  A. Hayat, X. Xing, A. Feizpour, A. M. Steinberg, “Multidimensional Quantum Communication by Temporal Phase Manipulation”, CQIQCIV, Toronto, Canada (2011).

65.  A. Darabi, Lee Rozema, D. Mahler, Y. Soudagar, A. Hayat, A. M. Steinberg, “Violation of Heisenberg’s Precision Limit by Weak Measurements Using a Composite Circuit One-Way model of Quantum Computing”, CQIQCIV, Toronto, Canada (2011).

66.  X. Xing, R. Chang, A. Hayat, A. Feizpour, A. M. Steinberg, “Slowing single photons with cold Rb atoms”, CQIQCIV, Toronto, Canada (2011).

67.  A. Hayat, X. Xing, A. Feizpour, A. M. Steinberg, “Multidimensional Quantum Communication by Temporal Phase Manipulation”, FiO/LS, San Jose, CA, USA (2011).

68.A. Darabi , L. A. Rozema , D. H. Mahler , A. Hayat , Y. Soudagar , A. M. Steinberg, “Experimental Violation of Heisenberg’s Precision Limit by Weak Measurements”, paper X30.00010, APS March Meeting, Boston, MA, USA (2012).

69. P. Zareapour , A. Hayat , S. Y. F. Zhao , A. Reijnders , M. Kreshchuk , A. Jain , D. Kwok , N. Lee , S.-W. Cheong , Z. Xu , A. Yang , G.D. Gu , K. Burch, “Proximity-Induced High-Temperature Superconductivity in a Topological Insulator”, paper T31.00009, APS March Meeting, Boston, MA, USA (2012).

70.  P. J. Godin, C. Paul, C. Zhuang, M. Hallaji, A. Hayat, and A. M. Steinberg, “Dynamical Decoupling of Multi-Level Vibrational States of an Optical Lattice”, Cross-Border Workshop on Laser Science, Montreal, Canada (2012).

71. A. Nevet, A. Hayat, P. Ginzburg, M. Orenstein, “Different-color photons from chaotic sources interfering in pairs”, paper QTh1E.6, CLEO, San Jose, CA, USA (2012).

72. A. Hayat, X. Xing, A. Feizpour, A. M. Steinberg, “Multidimensional Quantum Information Encoding in the Time Domain”, paper JTh1K.6, CLEO, San Jose, CA, USA (2012).

73. A. Hayat, A. Feizpour, A. M. Steinberg, “Enhanced Probing of Fermion Interaction by Weak Value Amplification”, paper QF1E.4, CLEO, San Jose, CA, USA (2012).

74. A. Hayat, C. Lange, L. A. Rozema, H. M. van Driel, A. M. Steinberg, B. Nelsen, D. W. Snoke, L. N. Pfeiffer and K. W. West, “Ultrafast control of exciton-polariton condensates”, ICSCE-6, Stanford U., CA, USA (2012).

75. C. Lange, A. Hayat, L. A. Rozema, A. Darabi, H. M. van Driel, A. M. Steinberg, B. Nelsen, D. W. Snoke, L. N. Pfeiffer and K. W. West, “Exciton-Polariton Ultrafast Stark Effect”, UP2012, Lausanne, Switzerland (2012).

76. L. Rozema, A. Darabi, D. Mahler, A. Hayat, Y. Soudagar, A. Steinberg, “Direct Violation of Heisenberg’s Precision Limit by Weak Measurements”, paper 1406791, FiO/LS, Rochester, NY, USA (2012).

77. A. Hayat, C. Lange, L. Rozema. A. Darabi, H. van Driel, A. Steinberg, B. Nelsen, D. Snoke, L. Pfeiffer, K.West, “Exciton-Polariton Dynamic Stark Effect”, paper 1406937, FiO/LS, Rochester, NY, USA (2012).

78. G. Dmochowski, A. Feizpour, X. Xing, M. Hallaji, C. Zhuang, K. Allen, A. Hayat, A.M. Steinberg, “Towards Single Photon Non-linearities in Cold Atoms”, Gordon research conference on Quantum Science, Easton, MA, USA (2012).

79. P. Zareapour, A. Hayat, S. Y. F. Zhao, M. Kreshchuk, A. Jain, D. C. Kwok, N. Lee, S-W Cheong, Z. Xu, A. Yang, G. D. Gu, S. Jia, R. J. Cava and K. S. Burch, “Proximity-Induced High Temperature Superconductivity in a Topological Insulator”, Aspen Winter Conference Topological States of Matter, Aspen, CO. USA, (2013).
80. S. Potnis, R. Chang, R. Ramos, A. Hayat, A. M. Steinberg, “Towards Measurement of Tunneling Times of a Bose-Einstein Condensate”, FiO/LS, Rochester, NY, USA (2012).
81. A. Hayat, L. A. Rozema,  R. Chang,  S. Potnis, H. M. van Driel, A. M. Steinberg, M. Steger, D. W. Snoke, L. N. Pfeiffer and K. W. West  “Temporal long-range order in exciton-polariton condensates.” APS March Meeting, Baltimore, MD, USA (2013).
82. P. Zareapour, A. Hayat, S. F. Y. Zhao, M. Kreshchuk, A. Jain, Z. Xu, A. Yang, G.D. Gu, S. Jia, R. Cava, K. S. Burch, “High-temperature Andreev tunneling in the surface states of a topological insulator”, APS March Meeting, Baltimore, MD, USA (2013).
83. G. Dmochowski, A. Feizpour, M. Hallaji, C. Zhuang, A. Hayat, A. M. Steinberg, “Transients of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency-Enhanced Cross-Phase Modulation”, Joint CAP DAMP / APS DAMOP, Quebec City, Canda. (2013).
84. R. Chang, S. Potnis, R. Ramos, C. Zhuang, M. Hallaji, A. Hayat, F. Duque-Gomez, J.E. Sipe, and A.M. Steinberg, “Observing the onset of effective mass of a Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical lattice”, paper IC-2.2, CLEO Europe, Munich, Germany (2013).
85. A. Hayat, C. Lange, L. A. Rozema, R. Chang, S. Potnis, H.M. van Driel, A.M. Steinberg, M. Steger, D.W. Snoke, L.N. Pfeiffer, and K.W. West, “Temporal long-range order in dynamic condensates”, paper IG-3.5,CLEO Europe, Munich, Germany (2013).
86. L.A. Rozema, D. Mahler, A.Hayat, P.S. Turner, and A.M. Steinberg, “Experimental Demonstration of Quantum Data Compression”, paper IB-6.2, CLEO Europe, Munich, Germany (2013).
87. A. Feizpour, G. Dmochowski, M. Hallaji, C. Zhuang, A. Hayat, A. Steinberg, “Weak-value amplification of low-light-level cross phase modulation”,  CLEO, paper JW2A.02,  San Jose, CA, USA (2013).

88. G. Dmochowski, A. Feizpour, M. Hallaji, C. Zhuang, A. Hayat, A. Steinberg, “Increasing The Giant Kerr Effect By Narrowing The EIT Window Beyond The Signal Bandwidth”,  CLEO, paper QF1D.7,  San Jose, CA, USA (2013).

89. E. Cancellieri, A. Hayat, A.M. Steinberg, E. Giacobino, A. Bramati, “Ultra-fast Stark-induced switching of polaritonic states”, PLMCN 14, Crete, Greece, (2013).

90. G. Dmochowski, A. Feizpour,  A. Hayat, M. Hallaji, C. Zhuang, A. Steinberg, „Increasing The Giant Kerr Effect By Narrowing The EIT Window Beyond The Signal Bandwidth “,CQO/QIM, Rochester, NY, USA (2013).

91. D.H. Mahler, J.D. Bateman,  L. A. Rozema, A. Feizpour, R. Okamoto, A. Hayat and A. M. Steinberg, “Demonstration of N00N State Optical Centroid Measurement using an 11-detector array”, CQO/QIM, Rochester, NY, USA (2013).
92. E. Cancellieri, A. Hayat, A. M. Steinberg, E. Giacobino, and A. Bramati, “Ultra-Fast Stark-Induced Switching of Polaritonic States”, OECS13, Rome, Italy (2013).
93. P. Zareapour .A. Hayat,  S. Y. F. Zhao, M. Kreshchuk ,Y. K. Lee, A. Reijnders, A. Jain,  Z. Xu, A. Yang, G.D. Gu, S. Jia, R. Cava, K. Burch, “New Excitation at the Interface between High-Temperature Superconductors and Topological Insulators”, APS March Meeting, Denver, CO, USA (2014).
94. L. Rozema, J. Bateman, D. Mahler, A. Feizpour, R. Okamo,  A. Hayat, A. Steinberg, “Scalable Spatial Super-Resolution using Entangled Photons”, paper  FTh4A.7 CLEO  San Jose, CA, USA  (2014).
95. M. Liscidini, L. Rozema, C. Wang, D. Mahler, A. Hayat, A. Steinberg, J. Sipe, “Stimulated Emission Tomography”, paper FTh4A.8 CLEO  San Jose, CA, USA  (2014).
96. G. Spektor, M. Orenstein and A. Hayat “Optical Access to Topological-Insulator Surface States with Plasmonics”, Nanometa, Seefeld, Austria (2015).
97. G. Spektor, M. Orenstein and A. Hayat ” Plasmonic Access to Topological-Insulator Surface State”, SPP7 , Jerusalem, Israel (2015).
98. G. Spektor, A. David, G. Bartal, M. Orenstein and A. Hayat ” Optical Access to Topological-Insulator Surface States with Plasmonic Rotating Fields “, paper FTu2C.1, CLEO, San Jose, CA, USA (2015).
99. C. Lange, E. Cancellieri,  L. Rozema, R. Chang, S. Potnis,  A. Steinberg, M. Steger, D. Snoke, L. Pfeiffer, K. West and A. Hayat, ” Ultrafast Modulation of Strong Light-Matter Coupling  “, paper FM1B.4, CLEO, San Jose, CA, USA (2015).
100. R. Marjieh, E. Sabag and A. Hayat, “Semiconductor-Superconductor Two-Photon Amplifier”, paper FW3D.3, CLEO, San Jose, CA, USA (2015).
101. L. A. Rozema, C. Wang, D. H. Mahler, A. Hayat, A. M. Steinberg, J. E. Sipe, and M. Liscidini, “Characterizing an Entangled-Photon Source with Classical Detectors and Measurements”, paper EB-1.2, CLEO/Europe-EQEC, Munich, Germany (2015).
102. R. Marjieh, E. Sabag and A. Hayat, ” Two-Photon Amplification In Semiconductor-Superconductor Structures”, paper 2312909 , FiO/LS, San Jose, CA, USA (2015).
103. E. Sabag, R. Marjieh, and A. Hayat, ” Semiconductor-Superconductor Bell-state Analyzer “, CLEO, San Jose, CA, USA (2016).
104. E. Sabag, R. Marjieh, L. Rybak and A. Hayat, “Extreme Multiphoton Luminescence in GaAs “, CLEO, San Jose, CA, USA (2016).
105. D. Panna, R. Marjieh, E. Sabag, L. Rybak and A. Hayat, “Optical Access to Topological Insulator Spin Dynamics”, CLEO, San Jose, CA, USA (2016).
106. V. Perepelook1, D. Panna, R. Winik, L. Rybak, R. Zhong, G. D. Gu and A. Hayat, ” High-Tc Superconductor-Semiconductor Photon-Assisted Tunneling”, ICPS, Beijing, China (2016).
107. D. Panna, R. Marjieh, E. Sabag, L. Rybak and A. Hayat, “Optical Access to Topological Insulator Spin Dynamics”, ICPS, Beijing, China (2016).
108. S. Bouscher, R. Winik and A. Hayat, ” Semiconductor-Superconductor Nanostructure Modeling “, ICPS, Beijing, China (2016).
109. J. Khatei, D. Panna, A. Bendel, B. Lavy, L. Rybak and A. Hayat, ” Two-photon excited ultrafast spin dynamics in monolayer MoS2″, NANOP Paris, France (2016).
110. D. Panna, R. Marjieh, E. Sabag, S. Bouscher, L. Rybak, A.  Ribak, A. Kanigel, A. Hayat, “Optical Access to Topological Insulator Spin Dynamics”, Nanometa, Austria (2017).
111. D. Panna, S. Bouscher, V. Perepelook, L. Rybak, A. Hayat, ” High-Tc Superconductor-Semiconductor Photon-Assisted Tunneling”, Nanometa, Austria (2017).
112. E. Sabag, S. Bouscher, R. Marjieh, A. Hayat, ” Semiconductor-Superconductor Bell-state Analyzer”, Nanometa, Austria (2017).
113. D. Panna, S. Bouscher, L. Rybak, A. Hayat, ” Semiconductor-Superconductor Optoelectronic Devices “, Nanometa, Austria (2017).
115. N.Landau, D.Panna, S.Bouscher, L.Rybak, S.Tsesses, G.Adler, S.Brodbeck, C.Schneider, S.Hoefling, A.Hayat, ” Giant AC Stark Effect in a Strongly-Coupled Light-Matter System “, OASIS 6, Israel (2017).
116. J. Khatei, D. Panna, A. Bendel, B. Lavy, L. Rybak, H. Steinberg, A. Hayat, “Ultrafast spin dynamics in monolayer MoS2 under two-photon excitation”, OASIS, Israel (2017).
117. A. Bendel, I. Russo, K. Bharadwaj, A. Hayat, “Cooper Pair Based Waveguided Amplifier Design for Enhanced Two-Photon Gain”, OASIS, Israel (2017).
118. E. Sabag, S. Bouscher, R. Marjieh, A. Hayat, “Semiconductor-Superconductor Bell-state Analyzer”, OASIS, Israel (2017).
119. D. Panna, S. Bouscher, V. Perepelook, L. Rybak, A. Hayat, “High-Tc Superconductor-Semiconductor Photon-Assisted Tunneling”, OASIS, Israel (2017).
120. D. Panna, S. Bouscher, L. Rybak, A. Hayat, ” Semiconductor-Superconductor Optoelectronic Devices “, OASIS, Israel (2017).
121. D. Panna, R. Marjieh, E. Sabag, L. Rybak, A. Ribak, A. Kanigel, A. Hayat “Optical Access to Topological Insulator Spin Dynamics “, OASIS, Israel (2017).
122. E. Sabag, S. Bouscher, R. Marjieh, A. Hayat, ” Semiconductor-Superconductor Bell-state Analyzer”, CLEO/Europe, Munich, Germany (2017).
123. D. Panna, S. Bouscher, S. Cohen, L. Rybak, D. Ritter, A. Hayat, ” Semiconductor-Superconductor Optoelectronic Devices”, CLEO/Europe, Munich, Germany (2017).
124. D. Panna, N. Landau, S. Bouscher, L. Rybak, S. Tsesses, G. Adler, S. Brodbeck, C. Schneider, S. Hoefling, A. Hayat ” Giant AC Stark Effect in a Strongly-Coupled Light-Matter System”, CLEO/Europe, Munich, Germany (2017).
125. E. Sabag, S. Bouscher, R. Marjieh, A. Hayat, ” Semiconductor-Superconductor Bell-state Analyzer”, CLEO PR, Singapore (2017).
126. D. Panna, N. Landau, S. Bouscher, L. Rybak, S. Tsesses, G. Adler, S. Brodbeck, C. Schneider, S. Hoefling, A. Hayat “Giant AC Stark Effect in a Strongly-Coupled Light-Matter System”, CLEO PR, Singapore (2017). 
127. D. Panna, K. Balasubramanian, J. Khatei, L. Rybak, H. Steinberg A. Hayat, “Observation of 2D Semiconductor Dark Exciton Lifetime Using Two-photon Ultrafast Spectroscopy”, Advanced Photonics Congress, Zurich, Switzerland (2018)